I know, at one point in time this was As You Wish (a great band from Flordia's web-site). But times have changed. And that web-site didn't seem to get a lot of attention. So here I am. Re making this site to be my own.
You can only wonder so much what's in a girls mind like mine. Well my dear little friends...you may never know the real answers but I believe that in making this web-site it can help explain the unexplainable.
It seems to me that you might "know" me...but do you really know me? Is it worth knowning me? What is there to know? What isn't there to know? If your taking the time to read this little paragraph, intro...if you will, about this web-site then I thank you. I thank you for clicking the link and wondering "what's that?"
So now I've left you wondering? Well, good. That was my plan. Come inside. See the pictures and the writings and all the beautiful people I know and care deeply for.
~Ms. Kari
Here is some information....I believe
So...Here we go shall we? There are some pages that have writings by me, photos by me. There is a tiny creative side to me that I allow to come out now and then. Nothing rad or grand. Just me.