Here are some more things that I've written, an essay and somethings dealing with rambling.
"The Power of One"
The power of one is a phrase we don’t hear too often these days. A phrase that seems to be lost in the vocabulary of Americans.
One person can make a difference. One person can change the course of history; one person can take a stand and make their dreams come true.
The power of one is a very wonderful phrase. It seems that the word carries its own meaning, its own hope, and its own power to make people work for what they want. To try what they felt they could never do, to take and start something new.
This phrase gives me drive to achieve what I haven’t done. This phrase seems to bring to mind what hasn’t been brought to my attention lately.
“The Power of One”, not only does this word give hope, but also makes me realize that I have the power to become what I will. I get to pick what I will do with my life, I have this choice. To do my school work, to get into college, and to make a change.
I have this power, just like everyone else. These words can only make me wonder. What if? What if I don’t go to college? What if I don’t do my school work? What will become of me? I will only have myself to blame for my failures, as well as my achievements.
It seems that this word needs to be brought to the attention of our society today. They need to know that we have a choice, we can stand up for want we believe in, and we can make things good or bad. We need the hope that these words offer to people that actually notice them.
You can only wonder that if these words can make a difference, what about other things? If a simple phrase can change the way a person feels about themselves, then what else could do the same? It brings up questions; it makes your mind race. It brings out the creative side a person might have never noticed.
Try and image yourself in ten years, what will you be? It’s all up to you, it’s all on you. You can make the difference in whether you work at a gas station or a large company for the rest of your life. Whether you make a change in society or help the needy.
These days are taken for granted, television never gives answers, never motivates. Our society seems to be based on television shows and the media.
Our society has lost its creativity, its drive. Everything that these words seem to offer.
Here is another untitled
There is an innocence to me. It makes me wonder somedays if these lyrics repeating in my head are even worth it. and my heart racing: is my heart racing or is it just me going insane?
It's these things that aren't taken for granted, the little moments that people go unnoticed. The moments that seem to be lost.
Its going outside on warm summer nights and feeling like your in your own little world. and you are. no one can come without permission. don't give permission. keep it to yourself. be selfish for once in your life.
Breath in what you haven't taken for granted. Breath in that air that's gone unnoticed. It's crisp and perfect like the way two lovers feel somedays.
You can look at yourself and see beauty. You can look in the mirror and be content. You can appreciate what you are, instead of what your not. You can look back on the good, and not the bad. You allow yourself to be the way you are. You can allow yourself to take for granted all those things that you never thought about. It's the little things that can make a person happy, if they allow themselves to be happy.